Please take these precautions before and after rhinoplasty. By carefully following these guidelines, you will achieve the best possible result of your surgery. Please contact us as soon as a question pops up in your mind. Always carry this list with you and follow its instructions from the day of surgery onwards.
A. Preoperative recommendations
1. Since your surgery involves general anesthesia, you will be required to go on a full fast for eight hours before the surgery, during which you are not supposed to drink water and other liquids.
2. Take bath the night before the surgery.
3. Avoid milk, eggs and heavy or high-fat foods the night before surgery.
4. Women shall not be wearing any jewelry on the day of surgery.
5. Women are not supposed to apply any facial and eye makeup (mascara etc.) or nail polish on the day of surgery.
6. Men need to have their beard clean shaven.
7. From three days before surgery to three weeks afterwards, avoid hookah smoking and drinking alcohol.
8. You will be required to have somebody accompany you on the day of surgery.
B. Postoperative care from day one until removal of nasal splint (7 to 10 days)
1. A few hours after the surgery, you will be ready to be discharged from the hospital or clinic provided that you can get out of bed assisted by a nurse, walk around, go to the restroom and urinate, drink some liquids, experience no nausea or vomiting and have favorable general health condition and normal vital signs.
2. After backing home, always keep a half-sitting position except when sleeping.
3. Every 2 to 3 hours, stand up and walk a few steps.
4. Put two pillows under your head while sleeping.
5. You do not need to hold your head too high. Do not let your head drop off.
6. Make sure you drink cool liquids and eat soup. In addition, you can eat soft foods not involving hard and long chewing.
7. Avoid eating celery juice in the first two weeks after surgery, since it may lead to a drop in blood pressure.
8. Apply cold compresses for 48 hours. Never apply hot compresses.
9. Sleep in supine position for a week after surgery. After one week, you may sleep sideways so long as your nose is not laid on the pillows.
10. You will not need to gargle saltwater unless you are advised so.
11. Mild fever after surgery is normal and can be dampened by drinking fluids.
12. Tearing of the eyes is normal.
13. Burning throat is normal and will go away within a few days. Drink cool liquids as well as warm milk with honey, if you do not feel nauseated.
14. You may keep sneezing as long as have a nasal tampon. Your nose will be fine if you sneeze with open mouth.
15. Avoid taking Gelofen capsules during the first week after surgery, because it may aggravate the bleeding.
16. Avoid blowing your nose until you are allowed to do so, because it may aggravate the bleeding.
17. You can change the nasal dressing until there is no discharge.
18. The nasal splint will remain in place for at least once week. Never manipulate or soak it.
19. Rest more often. Avoid rigorous physical activity and sexual intercourse for up to two weeks.
20. You can brush your teeth gently with a soft toothbrush.
21. Do not manipulate your upper lip.
22. Avoid long telephone conversations and social activities for at least two weeks.
23. Avoid long chuckling and laughing for two weeks. Put on clothes tied up on the front or rear for one week. Avoid wearing pullovers, sweaters, T-shirts and turtlenecks. Do not wash your hair for a week, unless you have someone else do it for you. Never moisturize your nasal dressing. Take only medications prescribed by your doctor. Some people may experience constipation after surgery, which can be fixed within a few days by taking fluids and cooked vegetables, as well as light short walking. On the day of splint removal, take a bath before going to the doctor. Men are expected to have their beard clean shaven. It is okay to soak your nose at this point, since it helps the splint removal. Do not manipulate the nasal tampons. They will be unwrapped within two to three days after surgery.
24. Put on clothes tied up on the front or rear for one week. Avoid wearing pullovers, sweaters, T-shirts and turtlenecks.
25. Do not wash your hair for a week, unless you have someone else do it for you. Never moisturize your nasal dressing.
26. Take only medications prescribed by your doctor.
27. Some people may experience constipation after surgery, which can be fixed within a few days by taking fluids and cooked vegetables, as well as light short walking.
28. On the day of splint removal, take a bath before going to the doctor. Men are expected to have their beard clean shaven. It is okay to soak your nose at this point, since it helps the splint removal.
29. Do not manipulate the nasal tampons. They will be unwrapped within two to three days after surgery.
C. Instructions on medication
1. Start taking antibiotic capsules (cephalexin) 6 hours after discharge from the hospital once every 6 hours.
2. Take one antihistamine tablet (loratadine) every 12 hours.
3. Take one painkiller tablet (acetaminophen codeine) every 6 hours, if you need.
4. After removal of tampons, apply antibiotic ointment (tetracycline) on your nostril stitches two to three times a day.
5. After removal of tampons, dribble phenylephrine into a washing serum. Apply the solution by a syringe to rinse the inside of your nose 4-5 times per day. You would better wash your nose in a sitting position as you let the solution discharge. After washing, avoid blowing your nose or applying cotton swabs. After removal of tampons, you may have stuffy nose again. This is a normal condition due to internal edema and presence of blood clots. Do not manipulate your nose.
D. Recommended measures to be taken after removal of nasal splint
1. After removal of splint, your nose will remain swollen for several months. In fact, nasal edema is expected to completely go away within one year or so. Also, note that asymmetrical edema is normal in the first few months.
2. Do not worry about the swelling and discoloration of the eyelids and upper lip. This might have been simply due to the removal of the dressing. These protestations will be resolved within 2-3 weeks.
3. After removal of stitches, you are advised to apply anti-scar lotions on the spot once every night for two months after surgery.
4. After removing the bandages, women can apply cosmetics and dye their hair.
5. Stay away from extreme sunlight for 6 weeks. Heat may cause swelling of your nose.
6. After 6 weeks, you may start swimming. However, avoid diving and putting goggles and nose clips.
7. From the fourth week onwards, you can start walking.
8. You would better reserve rigorous sports such as soccer, volleyball, bodybuilding, aerobics etc. for at least 4 months after surgery. For the first month, apply nasal patch during every workout.
9. In the first year after surgery, avoid sunbathing and solarium. It is okay to tan other parts of the body after 6 months provided that your face is covered.
10. Driving is permissible from the second week of removing the nasal splint.
11. Do not wear glasses for 4 weeks. After the second day of surgery, you can wear contact lenses. After one month, you can wear regular eyeglasses with light frames for as much as possible short times. You may put on sunglasses with light frames after three months.
12. In case of dental emergency, you may visit the dentist to fix it up. Otherwise, avoid any unnecessary visits to the dentist in the first two months after surgery.
13. In case of any acute emergency situation, please call us immediately on 09353335033 or 09123837652. If you do not have access to a phone, visit the clinic or hospital where you had the surgery performed.
14. If you have a non-emergency question not covered by these instructions, you can contact us on the mentioned numbers from 11 am to 8 pm.

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