What is the best age range for rhinoplasty?
The right time for a rhinoplasty is when you are fully matured. People are normally matured at age 18. However, this may occur earlier at age 17 or later at age 19 and above. In any case, it is up to your doctor to examine and identify your situation.
Is Rhinoplasty a must-to-do surgery?
So long as the objective of rhinoplasty is only to improve the nasal appearance, you do not have to do it. All you need to do is to make a family agreed decision and gain enough determination for having a rhinoplasty.
Does rhinoplasty ever help beautify my nose?
If you have the right nose for rhinoplasty (in terms of skin type and nasal skeleton) and your expectations from the surgery are reasonable and consistent with the status of your nose, you will certainly benefit from rhinoplasty. Those with extremely thick and oily skin are usually not a good candidate for rhinoplasty.
Does plastic surgery ever help beautify my facial features?
Generally, a beautiful nose will enhance your face beauty, but you should bear in mind this surgery is performed only on your nose without modifying other facial features. In certain occasions, outstanding cheeks, gorgeous eyes etc. have been disguised by an ugly nose, but they will be revealed after a successful rhinoplasty.
What is the best age range for rhinoplasty?
The right time identify your situation.
Does rhinoplasty alter the shape of my upper lip?
In the techniques and procedures we employ on our patients, there will not be any unpleasant alterations on the shape of lips. Even in some cases, the beauty of lips will enhance owing to correction of philtrum.
Does rhinoplasty alter the distance between my eyes?
The type of surgery we perform on patients will never cause any unwelcome alterations on interpupillary distance.
What are the complications of rhinoplasty?
The key complication of this surgery might be difficulty breathing through the nose. It should be noted that most people have difficulty breathing in the first week after surgery because of nasal congestion and inflammation. This is a normal condition and disappears in a short time. However, a small percentage of people may, for various reasons, experience nasal congestion which will be treated. The bruise (ecchymosis) around the eyes, facial swelling and typical bleeding over the early days are not considered complications but natural side effects of rhinoplasty.
Do you use tampons and plaster splints?
We apply tampons on all patients for the first couple of postoperative days. Studies have shown that tampons have multiple benefits. If tampons are not applied on your nose, there might be undesirable complications. You should bear in mind, however, tampons we apply are very light-weighted, richly soaked in an antibiotic lotion and easily removable. Our patients will all have a nasal splint for a week to ten days after surgery.
What is your surgery technique?
We perform open surgery on our patients in which a tiny incision is made on the underside of columella (the vertical column separating the left and right nostrils). The vast majority of our patients do not have any problem with scar incision.
How long after surgery do you apply nasal patch?
We will apply 24-hour patches for 8 weeks after surgery. Afterwards, we will apply night sleep patches for about 2 months.
How long will I be resting after surgery?
If you have a job, you would better stay home and rest for a couple of weeks. After this recovery period, you may go back to work. If your job requires rigorous physical activity, you need to consult us before resuming your ordinary jobs.
How long will I be avoiding workout?
For one month you will not be allowed to do any sports activities. Afterwards, you can start exercises such as walking and swimming at minimum exertion. Other sports such as bodybuilding and aerobics will require longer breaks.
Laser rhinoplasty
Is laser rhinoplasty real? Short answer is no. Lasers are not at all involved in rhinoplasty. As a non-scientific and even advertising jargon, laser surgery is sometimes mistakenly referred to a kind of closed procedure not involving any incision underneath the nose.