Commonly known as a nose job and literally referring to as correction of the nose, rhinoplasty involves any surgery procedure aiming to shrink, or in some cases, augment the nose, curtail or occasionally elongate the nose, remove dorsal nasal hump, downsize and transform the nose tip, reduce nostrils or change the angle between the nose and lips. Generally, rhinoplasty serves to bring about a more beautiful nose proportionate to the person’s facial features. In cases where a candidate for surgery has difficulty breathing through the nose due to deviated septum or abnormal enlargement of nasal turbinates, he/she will, in addition to rhinoplasty, go through surgeries fixing nasal septum deviation and enlarging nasal turbinates simultaneously. The nose skeleton is composed of bone and cartilage so that the upper one-third of it is made of bones while the lower one-third is made of cartilage. The nasal skeleton is covered by skin and subcutaneous layers. The nasal cavity is divided into two parts by a cartilage-bone wall known as septum. In cases of nasal deviation, septum is not straight leading to breathing difficulty and crooked nose or both. Since cartilage-bone skeleton is covered by skin and subcutaneous layers, the type of connection between the skin and the underlying skeleton will determine the type of nose. When this connection favors the nasal skeleton i.e. thinner skin and larger cartilage and bone, the result will be a bony nose. When the skin is thick and fleshy and cartilage is weak and thin, there will be a fleshy nose. Nevertheless, different types of nose may fall between the two extremes, which shall be examined and identified by a physician, specifying to which category a person’s nose is closer. In nasal plastic surgery, the cutaneous as well as subcutaneous anatomy and thickness cannot in any means be modified by a surgeon. If done mistakenly, this may lead to serious complications such as necrosis or scar. This is why a fleshy nose enlarged mainly due to thick skin will gain lower benefits from nasal surgery. However, as mentioned earlier, the extent to which a nose is bony or fleshy shall be diagnosed by a surgeon, perhaps there have been certain cases where mild-to-moderate fleshy nose did benefit from nasal surgery.

Preparing for surgery

If you have problems with the appearance of your nose or have difficulty breathing through the nose, you will need to consult a rhinoplasty surgeon. Please feel free contacting us for counseling services and arranging an appointment on 9821-88321345, 9821-88321346 and 09353335033. Office address: No. 5, first floor block 270 (Shokufeh), Motahari St., between Jam St. and Modarres St. Tehran, Iran. Visits are arranged on even days, 4 to 7 PM.

Preoperative counseling

In the counseling session, the doctor will ask you about the respiratory history ranging from nasal trauma to diseases related the nose and sinuses. Moreover, you will provide us with detailed information about your medical history, including any physical or mental diseases, previous surgery and type of anesthesia, history of seasonal, drug and food allergies and medicines you are taking. If there is a specific disease involved, you may need to consult a related specialist in order to determine that whether nose surgery and anesthesia will be safe.

Objectives of nasal examination

A nasal examination serves to specify the anatomical and physiological status of your nose. Throughout this examination we will find out whether or not you have nasal deviations or polyps, whether there are evidences of allergy or chronic sinusitis, and whether there are evidences of old fractures. Afterwards, the type of your nose will be specified through examination of the nasal skin, cartilage-bone skeleton and any apparent defect will be determined. You will be fully consulted about the measures you need to take for each condition as well as any limitation.

Consultation result

You will become a candidate for surgery if satisfactory results are expected ahead and your own expectations are consistent with those results.

Tests, radiology and photography

If we come to a mutual agreement for rhinoplasty, your surgery record will be completed asking you for tests, preoperative radiological images. Testing will cover coagulation, blood cell count (examining whether there is anemia or any change in the number of white blood and red blood cells and platelets), blood glucose and kidney function tests. In case you have a history of certain diseases such as thyroid, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, etc., several relevant tests will be requested and a related specialist will be consulted, if necessary.

Surgical appointment

After completing the above steps, a particular day will be assigned for rhinoplasty upon your agreement.